Saturday, June 27, 2009

Song, poem, and a pic

Every Sunday I include a song, a poem, and a pic in my other blog. I find it enhances my appreciation of life to offer pleasure to all my senses. Thus, I try to listen to sounds that soothe and please me. I soothe my savage beast with the rhythm of poetry. I please my sight by looking at art.

This is the first time I am doing this on this blog.

I remember school dances and other events during the 60s at the the demolished synagogue on Cullerton and Ashland. Anyone who was around remembers this jam and most likely slow danced to it. I remember Chicky, the younger brother of Puerto Rican Willie, singing lead for this song at a school dance. He was 12 and still had the voice that was able to hit the high notes.

Listen to the original

Te amo,
te amo de una manera inexplicable,
de una forma inconfesable,
de un modo contradictorio.

Te amo
con mis estados de ánimo que son muchos,
y cambian de humor continuamente.
por lo que ya sabes,
el tiempo, la vida, la muerte.

Te amo...
con el mundo que no entiendo,
con la gente que no comprende,
con la ambivalencia de mi alma,
con la incoherencia de mis actos,
con la fatalidad del destino,
con la conspiración del deseo,
con la ambigüedad de los hechos.

Aún cuando te digo que no te amo, te amo,
hasta cuando te engaño, no te engaño,
en el fondo, llevo a cabo un plan,
para amarte mejor.

Te amo...
sin reflexionar, inconscientemente,
irresponsablemente, espontáneamente,
involuntariamente, por instinto,
por impulso, irracionalmente.

En efecto no tengo argumentos lógicos,
ni siquiera improvisados
para fundamentar este amor que siento por ti,
que surgió misteriosamente de la nada,
que no ha resuelto mágicamente nada,
y que milagrosamente, de a poco, con poco y nada
ha mejorado lo peor de mí.

Te amo,
te amo con un cuerpo que no piensa,
con un corazón que no razona,
con una cabeza que no coordina.

Te amo
sin preguntarme por qué te amo,
sin importarme por qué te amo,
sin cuestionarme por qué te amo.

Te amo
sencillamente porque te amo,
yo mismo no sé por qué te amo.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Spirit World

Sometimes I walk and a poem will come to me. Sometimes I come to a poem. They are more real when they come to me. This one came to me.

Spirit World

I fish for echo
of the sun
as it swims
through early morning crevice
of primitive canyon
on red rock walls
where I hear
faded whispers
of petroglyph
not knowing what was being said
but without spoken word
I feel the depth
of its meaning
as I reel in the silence.

Peter (June 1997)

Chicago has great energy but I am better suited for the spirituality of early mornings in the peacefulness of the remote primitive canyons.